We just saw the file for SCP-875, and we're astonished. The entire SCP community - it's one of the most interesting concepts we've ever seen.
All of the stuff written below is fictional, so don't go about digging for any giant inverted pyramids in the desert.
To sum it up for you: SCP-875 is a giant inverted pyramid in the desert which is essentially a maze. At first glance, nothing appears to be off about it - but when you're stuck inside for a while, you will start to notice that the walls move and change the entire physical layout of the maze at seemingly random intervals of time.
For the purposes of this post, we shall assume that the maze is constructed with materials available on Earth. Some common methods to escape standard mazes are:
1. The Las Vegas Algorithm
This is a trivial method that can be implemented by a very unintelligent robot or perhaps a mouse. It is simply to proceed following the current passage until a junction is reached, and then to make a random decision about the next direction to follow.
Although such a method would always eventually find the right solution, this algorithm can be extremely slow. Also, this method might get you stuck in the maze forever, since the maze changes its layout too.
2. The Follow a Wall Method
This one's a classic. There is a simple method for finding your way out of a maze or labyrinth: Touch the wall or hedge with the hand nearest to it, left or right. Keep that same hand touching the wall and keep walking. This may take you on a horribly long route, but it will eventually get you out.
The problem with this method is that you can get stuck in a loop around a pillar, or a round object. Also, this method will be completely ineffective if the maze changes its layout every once in a while.
3. The Pledge Algorithm
The Pledge algorithm requires an arbitrarily chosen direction to go toward. When an obstacle is met, the right hand is kept along the obstacle while the angles turned are counted (clockwise turn is positive, counter-clockwise turn is negative).
When you is face the original direction again (the angular sum of the turns made is 0), you leave the obstacle and continue moving in the original direction.
The hand is removed from the wall only when both "sum of turns made" and "current heading" are at zero. This allows you to avoid traps shaped like an upper case letter "G".
Assuming the algorithm turns left at the first wall, one gets turned around a full 360 degrees by the walls. An algorithm that only keeps track of "current heading" leads into an infinite loop as it leaves the lower rightmost wall heading left and runs into the curved section on the left hand side again. The Pledge algorithm does not leave the rightmost wall due to the "sum of turns made" not being zero at that point (note 360 degrees is not equal to 0 degrees). It follows the wall all the way around, finally leaving it heading left outside and just underneath the letter shape.
How to implement these methods in SCP-875
We can assume that the walls of the maze move in accordance with an algorithm. Even if they are seemingly random, they have to be controlled by a computer of some sort, hence the movements are pseudorandom and not truly random.
By observing these patterns and rigorously calculating and predicting the next movements, you could theoretically find a way out of the maze. it depends on exactly how big the maze is, but it shouldn't take you more than a month. Hope you brought supplies!
Some of the more "unique" ways
If all else fails, you can try the following methods:
- Change the Maze. Break down barriers between paths, until you can walk directly out of the maze.
- Ignore the Maze, Decide It Doesn’t Exist. Mazes are often not actually there. We simply think they are there. Additionally, some mazes that do actually exist can sometimes cease to exist if we decide that they no longer exist.
- Change the Goal. Originally, you sought to escape the maze. What if your goal was to remain inside?
- Cease to Exist, Erase Yourself, or Never Be Born. If you do not exist, you are no longer in a maze.
- Trade Places with someone who is outside the maze. Then they are in the maze, and you are outside of it.
Of course, these were intended as a joke more than as an actual method to escape, but feel free to use one of them if you ever get stuck.